Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Although virtual worlds are having its biggest advancements in the gaming world, it is also improving efficiency and production in other fields as well. Some of the these where VR is being implemented are health care, education, museums and the automotive world. Learning through virtual reality has gone a far way, employers are now expecting workers to come into the field already knowing how to learn online (Posey). With the internet being such a resource, many opportunities are offered in various way that appeal to students and their learning styles. One of the biggest advantages of VR in the education world, is that it is increasing organization for the students along with the instructor of the course. The instructors` are able to efficiently update content for all students and have it accessible for anyone at their convenient timing. Along with organization, VR also complements education breaking a social barrier that is sometimes present in the physical classroom (Bakshy). Technology has increased group cohesion and mutual support. VR has many advantages to education, but it also comes with it disadvantages. One the most important is that there is no pace to the lecture. In a traditional setting a professor might adjust the pace at which they are teaching and even skip topics when they see that different classmates are not comprehending all material. This also leads to less contact and connection between students groups and teachers.
One of the most impressive points of VR is that it opens a world of creativity that is unbelievable. For example, in the auto world, VR allows you to build different models to adjust on a prototype before building a defective model. The biggest bonus of the virtual world is that it brings efficiency to all areas of It application, along with opening a creative and interesting world. The bad part about this is that although it come with all of these benefits to all individuals, not everyone can afford it. Those who are not able to afford these technologies will be left out. In the future as more companies see their competitor moving towards VR, they will also make the same move so that their competition will not get too far ahead of them in a business world. For educators, as more students are able to afford this virtual technology, they will move to the virtual world because the efficiency of learning they now have access to.

Bakshy, Eytan. “Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content.” Scoail Influence, Social Influence , 6 July 2009, docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxiYXJ1Y2huZXdtZWRpYXxneDoyYTc5NWYwZjQ5MmRkY2Yw.

Posey, Guy. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom and the Role of the Teacher.” VIrtual Classroom, docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxiYXJ1Y2huZXdtZWRpYXxneDo2ZTg5MGFiMmRkMzA4NjZm.


  1. Hey Clinton, I love what you said about the classroom regarding VR. As time has progressed, we humankind rely so much on technology that by having the virtual reality, it enables so many different learning opportunities for students all around the world. Students can become more engaged especially with visuals.

  2. Hi Clinton, From what you mentioned I think VR benefits the education field the most. It seems to create another component of interactions with students that are benefiting their educational experience. I can see this helping students who have questions about the class and other students coming to help!

  3. Hey Clinton, something that you mentioned that was really significant to me is how VR could be used in the automotive industry. You stated how VR could allow engineers to build virtual prototypes of automobiles before they make the final decision on what to manufacture. This point was so important to me because this is a case where VR is used to potentially save lives. Without its benefits, there's a possibility that defective automobiles could be mass manufactured. However, as you mentioned, with the use VR it's more likely that the models of automotives that are created perform with minimal defects.


Wiki So Far

Although I have not yet added information to the class wiki, I plan on expanding the economics page. One of the important aspect in understa...