Earlier this semester I was one of the GMAT Ambassadors assisting on the managing the Instagram page. One of the pictures that was posted was an example of a GMAT question that is similar to ones that are on the actual exam. When posted many people got into the comments and would ask questions. One person writing what they thought the answer was, opened up people up to asking how they got that answer, along with what they though their answer was. This is important to creativity because of how much information can be accessed between individuals digitally, so that they can use this information to to gain insights of others.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Our advancements in digital media has taken us to different creative worlds that helps people get their ideas out to eat other and build on them. The internet has fostered a new place of creation for a lot of people across the world because of their ability to express their arts and also get feedback on what others think (Bell). Because of our new media, we are now able to speed up processes and possibilities along with automating parts of our creativity. The biggest reason for why new media complements creativity is because it transforms immediate work to the audience in a digital way where they come up with their own perceptions. The collaboration in new media is very important to the fostering of creativity because of how people able to share and help on different ideas at any given time.
Bell, Isaac. Creators, Audiences, and New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment.
University of Kansas, 31 Aug. 2014.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds
virtual worlds are having its biggest advancements in the gaming world, it is also
improving efficiency and production in other fields as well. Some of the these where
VR is being implemented are health care, education, museums and the automotive
world. Learning through virtual reality has gone a far way, employers are now
expecting workers to come into the field already knowing how to learn online (Posey).
With the internet being such a resource, many opportunities are offered in
various way that appeal to students and their learning styles. One of the
biggest advantages of VR in the education world, is that it is increasing
organization for the students along with the instructor of the course. The instructors`
are able to efficiently update content for all students and have it accessible
for anyone at their convenient timing. Along with organization, VR also complements
education breaking a social barrier that is sometimes present in the physical
classroom (Bakshy). Technology has increased group cohesion and mutual support.
VR has many advantages to education, but it also comes with it disadvantages. One
the most important is that there is no pace to the lecture. In a traditional setting
a professor might adjust the pace at which they are teaching and even skip
topics when they see that different classmates are not comprehending all material.
This also leads to less contact and connection between students groups and
of the most impressive points of VR is that it opens a world of creativity that
is unbelievable. For example, in the auto world, VR allows you to build
different models to adjust on a prototype before building a defective model. The
biggest bonus of the virtual world is that it brings efficiency to all areas of
It application, along with opening a creative and interesting world. The bad
part about this is that although it come with all of these benefits to all individuals,
not everyone can afford it. Those who are not able to afford these technologies
will be left out. In the future as more companies see their competitor moving
towards VR, they will also make the same move so that their competition will
not get too far ahead of them in a business world. For educators, as more students
are able to afford this virtual technology, they will move to the virtual world
because the efficiency of learning they now have access to.
Bakshy, Eytan. “Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content.” Scoail Influence,
Social Influence , 6 July 2009,
Posey, Guy. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom and the Role of the Teacher.” VIrtual Classroom, docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxiYXJ1Y2huZXdtZWRpYXxneDo2ZTg5MGFiMmRkMzA4NjZm.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Twitter discussions and
blackboard discussion are similar in many ways but also has its differences. For
example, both gives the opportunity for collaboration with the class as a
whole. On twitter someone write a thread creating a topic, where their following
are able to see it on their timeline and can comment and give feedback on the
original post. Although blackboard discussion does not exactly feature, it is
very similar because you can see all post from your classmates and have the
ability to give inputs and feedback. The difference is that blackboard discussion
does not have the same easy view and timeline system.
Twitter discussions are also
similar to in class discussions because there is a stated topic either given by
the teacher or the post, then students and followers have their opportunities
for inputs and feedback. The biggest difference with twitter from in class discussions
along with blackboard discussions is that twitter limits that amount that you
are able to write, so that everything is brief.
Social networking sites
Looking through Instagram,
Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, all four sites have many similarities but at
the same time are so different. For example, on all sites they have this thing
called adding to your story or timeline, where you’re able to upload things
like questions, what you’re doing at the moment, boomerangs, and polls. Another
similarity would be that you’re able to start something called a live video.
Which is basically where your followers are able to see your live stream of any
activities that you’re doing. Also on all platforms, companies are able to take
advantages of the marketing and advertisements that can be done. Many companies
have job posting on their site to show up depending on your searches and profile
When it comes to the
differences, all of these platforms are very unique in their own ways. Twitter
over the years has become more popular for political updates, but also for
funny jokes and updates from you followers that you have. There are so many
different uses for twitter that are more enhanced than other platforms.
Instagram and snapchat are very similar because Instagram almost has a version
of snapchat installed where you can post on your story for 24 hours along with
the chat feature and ability to comment on stories. The difference is that
Instagram also has the feature where you can post pictures of your art, sports,
or even yourself which stays until you delete or archive to be posted later
again. Facebook allows you to post written post along with picture post.
Facebook also allows you to share videos that post on your page and stay there
until you delete them. Facebook also gives a community feeling being that
you’re able to share these videos and comment on them. It’s also a good platform
for businesses because they’re able to post advertisements under their business
page. This allows for their friends to like the advertisement and if they have
mutual friends they’re also able to see it which eventually just travel’s
around all of Facebook and allows for more and more people to view it.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Social Networking
Social media has been one of
our most valuable advancements over the past years. People of all ages are on social
media sites, even though everyone uses it for different reason. One of the best
benefits that is offered on various platforms, is the ability to connect and
network with different people. In corporate offices social media play a big
role because of the different communities that are built online. For example, for
financial advisors to be successful in their work social media sites such as LinkedIn
plays a big role because expanding your work comes from your connections and networks.
With the ability to tell stories on your social media sites, you are able to
get your target audience to see specific content that you would like to be
shared with them (Lavenduski).
Although social media has lot of pros, it
also comes with a few headaches. One example is the fact that our privacy is
not respected by these sites as we thought they are. Although corporate
companies use out information to help find ads that are in our best interest,
the information we give other companies isn’t expected to be shared. Outside of
the corporate world, social media is also starting to have a bad effect on our younger
generation. According to Stout in a New York Times article, a lot of our younger
generation is taking the way they type online into the way that they are actually
typing. Along with the increase in social media use, the children are spending
less time outside with their friends compared to the past generations (Stout).
Lavenduski, Sara. “How to Build a Community on Social Media.” ASI
- Promotional Products
Organization, 26 Sept. 2018, www.asicentral.com/news/how-
Stout, Hilary. “Antisocial Networking?”
The New York Times, The New York Times, 30 Apr.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Blogs vs. Wikis
our new world, one of the most important things to us is being able to
communicate information to each other and come together in a fashionable way. Our
technical convergences have taken us very far over the past years. Many forms
of new media such as social platforms and blogs allows us to do so. A blog is a
site or page that is updated usually in a timely period, only run by one person
or group, and also not usually written in the most conventional styles. Although
others are not able to edit posts, blog are interactive because it gives
viewers the chance to leave comments and feedback. When multiple people see
these comments, it gives the opportunity for collaboration to start and sharing
knowledge on similar subjects while doing so. One great example of this was actually in New York
about a decade ago when blogs were becoming more popular. According to, “Brooklyn
Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid” a New York time article, a blog was started
because of worried neighbors who had a problem and needed more collaboration to
get it solved. A blog was started about narcotics being dealt around Brooklyn,
with lots of comments and feedback, there eventually became a raid with numerous
arrests because of this blog post.
has similar traits to blogs, but it has more of a community style. In
comparison, wiki allows multiple users to create, edit, and comment on post at
their own ease. Blogs are restricted to one person creating and editing, so
many times the information from these blogs might be a little more trusted than
what is coming from a wiki which has more of an open environment. The ability
for multiple people being able to edit and create wiki’s it always leads to
some information being misleading or just false being of anyone being able to
add anything. Over the years there has been many efforts to try to make the
information of wiki more trustworthy. According to a New York Times article, “Wikipedia
to Limit Changes to Articles on People,” there will be different efforts, such
as monitoring of edits for this to be executed.
new use of wikis that I think would be very useful is, making a wiki for
college classes. Doing this student would be able to add different notes and
important information, that way if you are confused on anytime topic in class
the professor does not have to be the first option. This would very affective because
a lot of times, students are more comfortable communicating with themselves than
the professor.
Cohen, Noam. “Wikipedia to Limit
Changes to Articles on People.” The New York Times, The
York Times, 24 Aug. 2009,
Wilson, Michael. “Brooklyn Blog
Helps Lead to Drug Raid.” The New York Times, The New
Times, 26 June 2008, www.nytimes.com/2008/06/26/nyregion/26bayridge.html.
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Wiki So Far
Although I have not yet added information to the class wiki, I plan on expanding the economics page. One of the important aspect in understa...
Privacy and Confidentiality has caused many issues in the past months on Social media sites. The fact that many sites try to hide their priv...
Although virtual worlds are having its biggest advancements in the gaming world, it is also improving efficiency and production in other f...
I feel like one of the next new things that will be introduced in digital technology is a cellphone that does not need the extra purchase of...