Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Social Networking

Social media has been one of our most valuable advancements over the past years. People of all ages are on social media sites, even though everyone uses it for different reason. One of the best benefits that is offered on various platforms, is the ability to connect and network with different people. In corporate offices social media play a big role because of the different communities that are built online. For example, for financial advisors to be successful in their work social media sites such as LinkedIn plays a big role because expanding your work comes from your connections and networks. With the ability to tell stories on your social media sites, you are able to get your target audience to see specific content that you would like to be shared with them (Lavenduski).
Although social media has lot of pros, it also comes with a few headaches. One example is the fact that our privacy is not respected by these sites as we thought they are. Although corporate companies use out information to help find ads that are in our best interest, the information we give other companies isn’t expected to be shared. Outside of the corporate world, social media is also starting to have a bad effect on our younger generation. According to Stout in a New York Times article, a lot of our younger generation is taking the way they type online into the way that they are actually typing. Along with the increase in social media use, the children are spending less time outside with their friends compared to the past generations (Stout).

Lavenduski, Sara. “How to Build a Community on Social Media.” ASI - Promotional Products
Membership Organization, 26 Sept. 2018, www.asicentral.com/news/how-
Stout, Hilary. “Antisocial Networking?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 30 Apr.
2010, www.nytimes.com/2010/05/02/fashion/02BEST.html.

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